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In the simplest of terms, a general contractor is in charge of everything, keeping your project on schedule and on budget, and working with you for the entire length of your project design.

The general contractor handles Project management duties, including procurement of necessary materials, hiring of subcontractors for specific duties, communication with vendors and trades, monitoring schedule and budgetary concerns, and overall supervision of the working site.
Here at SHA Techno Solution, we bring innovative loyalty relationships to your business.
You can put as many different types of flooring in a room as you like, as long as you put transitions between them. Most people prefer one or two.
Solid wood is the highest-quality and most-durable material for molding, trim or transition.
If you’re not sure which kind of flooring you have, look at pictures online to get a sense. If it’s still unclear, take a photo to a local installer for more information.